With this tool you can find and select specific elements of your project and edit them all at the same time using the new multiselect feature. With the help of the properties panel, it is now possible to edit many elements at the same time. Multiselect - Edit multiple items at the same time The Gerber Import feature allows you to load existing Gerber files and convert them into a finished Sprint-Layout project. These files are required for automated board assembly with SMD components. Sprint-Layout can now generate and export component data to a text file or a pick+place file. Sprint-Layout allows you to manage components and display their data, including name and denomination. So there is no problem to develop a very high quality project. This also applies to grid parameters and maximum magnification. The resolution and accuracy of Sprint-Layout 6.0 have been increased tenfold. The graphics of Sprint-Layout have been significantly improved by using anti-aliasing technology. The Gerber Import feature allows you to load existing Gerber files and convert them into a finished project for Sprint-Layout. This file can be used with CNC milling software. Sprint-Layout is able to generate the necessary data and export it to a HPGL file (plt).
Sprint-Layout can create Gerber and Excellon files for professional production design. These images can be used in other programs such as Word or for publishing on web pages. You can export the project to BMP, GIF or JPG format. This function allows you to find typical errors, such as incorrect reflection of text or components.Įxtensive and convenient printing functions, allow you to print on paper or film, a board drawing or a layout of components on it. The photo-view function allows you to see, as it were, the created project.
But, Sprint-Layout doesn't do full layout of the design automatically. You can use the built-in auto-router to connect individual links. If the desired component is missing, there is no problem to create this component and store it in the macro library. The existing macro library already contains many of the standard components that can be placed in your project using the drag and drop method. If necessary, there are two additional inner copper layers, I1 and I2, for a multilayer board. There is an additional layer "U" - contour, for the board plan, for cutouts in the board and external outlines of the board. Sprint-Layout has managed layers, "K1" and "K2" are copper layers, "B1" and "B2" are component layers, for each side of the board (top and bottom). There are functions such as copy, move, cut or paste, as well as functions of rotation, reflection and alignment. All changes are immediately visible on the screen, so you can always evaluate the changes you make. For example, select - track and change width.

You can modify and edit existing project elements. By pressing and holding the CTRL key, you can change the grid spacing and add to the table, if necessary. The integrated grid table can be disabled. Important parameters such as track width, pad size or current grid setting are immediately visible and can be changed at any time. You have full control over the project you create.įor every work operation, like placing pins, drawing tracks or zones, adding text, etc., there are additional settings. As you wish, you can place pads, draw tracks, change layers, etc. There are no restrictions and obstacles to create a project. Even professional features are included, such as Gerber file export and Milling Options The program includes all the functions necessary to create a project.
The software comes along with all functions that arenecessary for board design.Sprint-Layout is an easy-to-use software for creating designs on single-sided, double-sided and multilayer printed circuit boards. Sprint-Layout is an easy-to-use software to create layouts for single-sided, double-sided or evenmultilayer PCB's (Printed Circuit Boards).